By Road
Depending on your location there are different ways to travel to Gallery Aaldering. Please find the most commonly used directions below. When using GPS navigate to Arnhemsestraat 47 in Brummen, zip code 6971 AP.
From western/northern direction:
A1 Apeldoorn: Exit 20 Apeldoorn-Zuid. Follow signs to Dieren for about 12 kilometer. Take a right across the canal bridge at Restaurant Brugkabouter onto N787. Take a right onto De Pothof, then left to Arnhemsestraat. Gallery Aaldering is at the end of the first right.
From western/southern direction
A12 Arnhem/Velp: Exit Zutphen (A348). At the end of the road turn left towards Dieren and continue to Brummen. At the roundabout with the Tazio Nuvolari monument take the second exit towards Brummen. Gallery Aaldering is at the end of the first right.
From eastern direction and Germany
A1 Deventer: Exit 23 Zutphen. In Zutphen follow the N348 and then N245 towards Arnhem. After 20 kilometers you will see Gallery Aaldering on your right. At the roundabout with the Tazio Nuvolari monument take the first exit towards Brummen. Gallery Aaldering is at the end of the first right.
Due to the central location in the east of the Netherlands, Gallery Aaldering is close to multiple international and intercontinental airports.
Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol) is one of the largest hubs in Europe and can be reached from practically every location in the world. Schiphol is a 90 minute drive from Brummen or close to two hours by public transport.
The German intercontinental airport of Düsseldorf is a 90 minute drive from Brummen. From Düsseldorf international trains travel to the Netherlands and connect to national trains towards Brummen. travel time by train is about two hours.
Eindhoven Airport is a 90 minute drive from Brummen. Using public transport takes about two hours.
At about thirty minutes from Brummen Teuge International Airport is focused on business flights. Different airliners offer business flights and Teuge can also be used for private jets and helicopters.
House rules:
You are welcome to visit our car company, where our cars are sold on a daily basis. We do not ask for an entrance fee, but to assure our customers the best possible experience, we have a couple of house rules. Please read them carefully. Enjoy your visit and see you soon at Gallery Aaldering in Brummen!